1.What are the most common crimes committed by teenagers?(Jakie są najpowszechniejsze przestępstwa popełniane przez przestępców/)
-drug dealing, shoplifting, robbery, robbery, vandalism, murder, mugging, pickpocketing
2.Why do young people turn to crime? (Dlaczego młodzi ludzie )
-they are bored with daily routine -they come from broken families
-criminals are poor -they want attention
-they watch violent films -they have family problems
3.Would you like to be a police officer? Why? Why not? (Czy chciałbyś byc policjantem?)
-it`s a well-paid job -it`s a steady job -it`s a good way to help the community/ people in need (ludziom w potrzebie)
4.Describe a situation when you, someone you know was stopped by the police. (OPpisz sytuację kiedy ty lub ktoś kogo znasz był zatrzymany przez policję.)
- Last week I was driving too fast and suddenly the police stopped me. I was afraid of losing my driving licence but fortunately the policeman: - gave me a warn (dał mi ostrzeżenie)
- wrote a ticket (wypisal mandat)
And then I could go home. It wasn`t a nice experience but I know that I have to be more careful.
5.What organisations for young people or youth clubs are there in your town? (Jakie organizacje lub kluby młodzieżowe sa w twoim mieście?)
There are some charities, political organisations, music or dance clubs and sports clubs. The are a lot of members because many teenagers want to participate in some actions/ events. They want to spend their free time there.
6.Why do young people join youth organisations?Why?Why not? (Dlaczego młodzi ludzie przyłączają sie do młodzieżowych organizacji?)
in my opinion young people join to youth organisation because they are bored.
They want to get experience and learn something new. teenagers want to meet new people.
I think teenagers don`t want to join to youth organisation because thet aren`t interested in it, they don`t have time for doing it.
7.How can schools encourage their students to join to the youth organisation? (Jak szkoły moge zachęcić studentów do przyłączenia się do organizacji mlodzieżowych?)
-Schools can give them extra marks or some rewards.
They can offer a day off (mogą zaoferowac wolny dzień)
8.How can joining a youth club help your future career?(Jak wstąpienie do klubu młodzieżowego może pomóc w karierze?)
-organise events - gain experience - meet potential empoyers
9. Why is important to do something for other people? (Dlaczego jest ważne aby robić coś dla innych ludzi)
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